40th Anniversary Souvenir Book

  • Would you like to give a shout-out of encouragement and best wishes to our crew here at Black Classic Press? This is a wonderful opportunity for you or your business to acknowledge the labor of love that goes into publishing books, especially Black books, and their cultural importance.

    It’s Easy To Place Your Ad or Send a Shout-Out


    1. Enter your contact information.

    2. Select the size of your ad.

    3. If you are sending best wishes or some other greeting, type it into the box at the bottom of the form.

    4. If you already have an ad for your business or organization, check the specifications and send it to: bcpdigital@gmail.com.

    5. Select the submit button and make your payment via PayPal.


    We’ll set your ad, and send you a proof before it appears in the souvenir journal. Need help? Call our office at 410-242-6954 and ask for April. Ads must be received by May 10th for placement in the journal.
